# Add contacts bulk

Add new contacts in bulk. When a given phone number already exists, it updates existing contact. If existing contact gets updated, all information gets overwritten, including all extra fields.

# Method


# Path


# Body parameters

Name Value Data type Required?
list_id 0 - to add to "All Contacts" or
List ID - to add to a contact list (List ID is the value shown in the header bar when a list is selected on the Contacts page)
Integer No (defaults to 0)
phone_number_cc Phone number country dial code (e.g. "1") String No
records See below Array Yes

# records

The 'records' field is supposed to be an array of up to 10,000 contacts. Each item in the array should be as below.

Name Value Data type Required?
phone_number Phone number starting with the country code with or without leading plus. e.g. +16175551212 or 16175551212 String Yes
name Contact person name String No
extra_fields Key value pair object with additional custom fields (e.g. { "email_address": "john@example.com", "id": 987123 }) Object No

# Response

# HTTP status codes

Code Remarks
200 Request was successful.
400 Validation error or request body was incorrectly formatted.
401 Authentication failed. Check apikey header.
404 Requested API endpoint not found.
429 The rate limit has been reached.
500-511 There was a problem processing the request on our server. Try again later.

# Response object

Name Value Remarks
status success or error -
errors Array of object { msg: [error detail] } Only present when status is error.

# Code sample

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.sociocs.com/contacts/bulk' \
--header 'apikey: your_api_key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "list_id": 0,
    "phone_number_cc": "1",
    "records": [
            "phone_number": "16175551212",
            "name": "John Johnson",
            "extra_fields": {
                "email_address": john@example.com
            "phone_number": "16175551111",
            "name": "David Davidson",
            "extra_fields": {
                "email_address": david@example.com