# WhatsApp Campaign from Customer.io

# Introduction

You can send WhatsApp campaigns from Customer.io using Sociocs and manage the conversation in the Sociocs inbox when someone replies.

# Supported channels

  • WhatsApp (with Twilio)
  • WhatsApp (with Gupshup)

# Setup on Sociocs

  1. Sign up or log in on app.sociocs.com.

  2. Connect "WhatsApp (with Gupshup)" or "WhatsApp (with Twilio)" channel on the "Connect a new channel" page. If you're an existing user, after logging in, click on "Channels" menu on the top, click on "+" button to go to the "Connect a new channel" page.

  3. Go to "Profile & settings -> API". settings


  4. Find the "API key" and "Channel Key". You'll need them later. If you're using Sociocs API for the first time, you need to enable it by clicking on the "Enable API" button.

# Setup on Customer.io

  1. Create a new campaign, and go to the "Trigger" step. Select any trigger applicable for your needs. Here is an example of a segment trigger, which sends SMS when a contact enters the "twlosms" segment.


  1. Finish "Settings" and "Goal & Exit" steps. Go to the "Workflow" step.

  2. Drag and drop "Send and Receive Data" action in your workflow. send and receive data action

  3. Click on the action you just added, give it a name, and click on "Add Request" button. It will take you to the action setup page. action popup

  4. Under the "Request tab", select a sample contact with a phone number in the left hand side column.

  5. In the right hand side column,

    • Select "POST" in the dropdown list.

    • Enter https://api.sociocs.com/message in the URL field.

    • Click on "Add header". Add apikey in the "NAME" field, and your api key in the "VALUE" field.

    • In the API data payload box shown below, add JSON object as described below.

    # Request parameters for Twilio WhatsApp channel

        "provider": "twlowa",
        "channel_key": "your whatsapp channel key",
        "to": "{{ customer.phone }}",
        "name": "{{ customer.full_name | default: '' }}",
        "template": {
            "id": "Template SID from Twilio Content Template Builder",
            "variables": {
                "1": "{{ customer.first_name | default: '-' }}"
        "contact_saving": {
            "save": true,
            "extra_fields": {
                "email": "{{ customer.email | default: '' }}"

    Here's a sample of the API request parameters. sample api params

    # Request parameters for Gupshup WhatsApp channel

        "provider": "gswa",
        "channel_key": "your whatsapp channel key",
        "to": "{{ customer.phone }}",
        "name": "{{ customer.full_name | default: '' }}",
        "template": {
            "id": "Template ID for the template created in the Gupshup console	",
            "variables": {
                "Body": {
                    "1": "{{ customer.first_name | default: '-' }}"
        "contact_saving": {
            "save": true,
            "extra_fields": {
                "email": "{{ customer.email | default: '' }}"

    Here's a sample of the API request parameters. sample api params

  6. Click on the "Send test..." button to verify that the message gets sent to the sample contact.

  7. Complete the "Review" step and start the campaign.

That's it, you are all set to send messages to your target recipients!