# WordPress :: Sociocs - Form

# Introduction

Form integration (e.g. Contact Us, Appointment Request, Pricing Inquiry form etc.) for WordPress.

When the end user submits the form, it is received in the Sociocs Inbox, form where, you can reply back.


# Setup

# Sociocs

  1. Sign up or log in on app.sociocs.com.

  2. Select "Form" in the "Connect a new channel" page. If you are an existing user, after logging in, click on "Channels" menu on the top, click on "+" button to go to the "Connect a new channel" page.

  3. Enter "Form name", check "Key authorization", and click "Next". You don't need to add fill out any other information. (Even if you would like to add "reCAPTCHA" validation in your form, leave "reCAPTCHA v2" unchecked in Sociocs. You would have to use Contact Form 7's reCAPTCHA integration.) image

  4. On the next page, click "Done", which should take you to the Channels page.

  5. Click on the "Form" channel you just added, and find API URL, and API KEY (value shown under "Key authorization"). image

# WP Admin Dashboard

# Create a form using Contact Form 7

Install "Contact Form 7" plugin through the "Plugins" menu in your admin dashboard. Create a form, and add it to a page on your website. Contact Form 7 documentation is available here.

# Direct form submissions to Sociocs API

  1. Install "Contact Form to Any API" plugin through the "Plugins" menu in your admin dashboard.

  2. Go to "CF7 to API" from the menu, and click on "Add New CF7 API".

  3. Fill the API information as explained below:

    Field Value
    Title Name for this API entry. e.g. "Contact us form to Sociocs"
    Select Contact Form Select your Contact Form 7 form
    API Url Above mentioned API URL from Sociocs
    Header Request Add above mentioned API Key in this format apikey: your-api-key
    Input Type Parameters - GET/POST
    Method POST
    Map your Fields Email address field value must be email. Submitter name field value, if present, should be name. Other field values can be anything, and that's how they will show up in the Sociocs inbox.


You are all set to accept form submissions from your WordPress website!