#Contact lists

#"All contacts" list

Your account already comes with a default contact list named "All contacts". You can create additional contact lists to group different contacts as per your needs.

"All contacts" is a special list which has all the contacts directly added to this list, as well as contacts added to any other list.

#Create a contact list

  • Go to "Contacts" from the left sidebar.

  • Click on "Create a new list".

  • Enter "List name", and click "Submit".

#Rename a contact list

  • Go to "Contacts" from the left sidebar.

  • Click on the contact list you would like to rename.

  • Click on the edit button on the top right.

  • Enter a new "List name", and click "Submit".

#Delete a contact list

  • Go to "Contacts" from the left sidebar.

  • Click on the contact list you would like to delete.

  • Click on the delete button on the top right.

  • Click "Confirm".

#Delete caveats

#When deleting "All contacts" list

It doesn't delete the "All contacts" list itself. It actually deletes all the contacts within the list. If a contact also belongs to any other list, it gets deleted from that other list as well.

#When deleting a list you created

It deletes the contact list along with all the contacts within the list. If a contact also belongs to any other list, it still stays in that list as well as in the"All contacts" list.

#Adding contacts to a list

See Add contacts